We provide training to guide individuals in the spirit and power of Elijah, fostering reconciliation between parents and their children and guiding the disobedient towards the wisdom of the righteous. Our mission is to prepare a community ready for the Lord.
Through our teachings, we offer faith-based instruction in praise and worship, deliverance, and healing from illnesses and diseases, all accessible according to one's faith.
We hold the belief that the Scriptures are divinely inspired and serve as the ultimate guide for both faith and life. We recognize the existence of one God in three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, embodies both divine and human nature. Humanity, created in the image of God, has sinned and thus faces both spiritual and physical death, inheriting a sinful nature.
At CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH, we maintain that a marriage is between a man and a woman. This type of marriage and all single individuals are welcome for membership.
The sacrificial death of Jesus provides justification through faith. We affirm His resurrection, ascension, and eventual return. Believers, who are reborn through the Holy Spirit, are empowered to serve.
Church membership necessitates a new birth and the confession of Christ. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are essential practices. Divine healing is an integral part of the Gospel. Holiness is crucial for seeing the Lord, and sanctification is a continuous journey.
We are committed to following Jesus' command to make disciples around the world. Our fellowship is open to further truths revealed by the Holy Spirit.
I gave my life to Jesus Christ on the last Sunday of October 1995 at CFCI under the teaching of Apostle Theo Wolmarans.
I’m proud to be a son of Apostle Dr. Theo and Dr. Beverley Wolmarans after serving them as a personal bodyguard and also as Pastor at CFCI for 12 years.
Apostle Theo and Dr. Beverley Wolmarans sent my wife and I to Bible College to train and equip us. In 2005, Apostle Theo hosted a Monday meeting at his home, inviting all the pastors of CFCI. Before the meeting closed, Apostle Theo told us, “Last night, the spirit of the Lord arrested me and said, Let Shiko Ndjetao Apwam go with his wife to plant a church in Hillbrow.” I said to myself, “With what English?” The voice replied and said, “The one that you have.” This same voice has been speaking to me consistently even while working as a security guard, it would roar in my ears, saying, “PASTOR SHIKO!”
Before the church started, they asked me, “What will be the church’s name?” I replied and said, “PUSH.” They asked, “What is PUSH?” And I replied and said, “Pray Until Something Happens.” Dr. Peter Cox told my wife and I that we must always remember where we are coming from; call it CFC PUSH, meaning Christian Family Church—Pray Until Something Happens.
I heard the voice once again, saying, “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison, and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”
CFC PUSH is one of the largest churches of its kind in Johannesburg, South Africa. Apostle Dr. Shiko Ndjetao Apwam is an anointed Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist and Teacher who presents the Word of God with clarity and simplicity, bringing understanding to every heart and mind whenever He speaks.
The Holy Spirit comes on all who hear the message, demons obey him as he cast them out, the sick are healed, the blind see, the lame walk and the deaf hear.
• On the 16th of November 2001, Apostle Shiko and his wife, Dr. Francine Apwam were ordained as pastors.
• The Apostolic ministry, Pray Until Something Happens came into existence on the 1st of April 2007.
• On the 6th of October 2016, Apostle Shiko and Dr. Francine Apwam obtained a Doctorate of Divinity (Honoris Causa)
• On the 26th of September 2019, he obtained an Apostolic Credential.
• Apostle Shiko Ndjetao Apwam is the founder and senior pastor of PUSH Ministries Worldwide and the Goodwill Ambassador for Israel.
“If not now, when I, Apostle Shiko Apwam, exit from this world, my wife and my children will continue to lead CFC PUSH because the day I was released, Apostle Theo and Dr. Beverley Wolmarans prayed and laid hands on me, my wife, Dr. Francine Apwam, along with my children Samuel, Jonathan, Shalom, and Beverley Apwam. The anointing came upon us all to lead the people of God back to himself. That was the foundation of CFC PUSH.”
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
Apostle Shiko Ndjetao & Doctor Francine Apwam
Mon - Fri 12PM -4 PM